Payday Loan and IVA
Can a Payday Loan be included in an IVA? Adding a new Loan to an existing IVA. Repay a Loan using a Payment Break. How to avoid borrowing during an IVA.
Can a Payday Loan be included in an IVA? Adding a new Loan to an existing IVA. Repay a Loan using a Payment Break. How to avoid borrowing during an IVA.
Can a CCJ be included in an IVA? What if you already have an attachment of earnings? Are you protected from getting a CCJ in the future?
Do you have to go Bankrupt if your IVA is rejected? Can you choose to go Bankrupt? Could you apply for another IVA? Other options if your IVA is rejected.
Why stop your IVA and go Bankrupt? How to stop an existing IVA. What happens to any money already paid in? Will your house be at risk?
Does your Partner have to pay your IVA? Can they help you pay if you have no income? Can your Partner pay your IVA off for you?
Can you reduce your IVA payments? In what circumstances is this allowed? The implications of reducing your payments. What if they cannot be changed?
Options if you cannot remortgage at the end of an IVA. When must you try to remortgage? What if there is no equity? What if equity cannot be released?
Is it possible to make PPI claims after your IVA? Can the bank keep your compensation? What if claims were already made? Using a specialist claims service.
Can you borrow more during an IVA? Alternatives to borrowing more. Are you allowed to borrow from friends or family? Can you have a mobile phone contact?
What happens to a windfall during an IVA? Can you keep any of the money received? Can it be used to settle your IVA early. Is money lent to you a windfall?