Cancel IVA if Unhappy
How to cancel an IVA. What happens to the money you already paid in? If you cancel, do you have to go bankrupt?
How to cancel an IVA. What happens to the money you already paid in? If you cancel, do you have to go bankrupt?
Will you pay more in IVA or Bankruptcy? Which puts your home at greater risk? Which impacts your Credit Rating the most? Which puts your job at more risk?
Which debts are excluded from an IVA? Can you ever exclude an unsecured debt? Can friends and family debt be excluded? Could you leave out joint debts?
Do you have to pay into your Partners IVA? What if you have your own debts? What happens to your home equity?
Will you be forced to go Bankrupt if your IVA fails? Can you choose to go Bankrupt if you want to? When will creditors start chasing you?
Why have you received a Grant Thornton PPI letter? Do you have to respond? Can you claim for PPI yourself instead? How to make your claims.
Why are IVA numbers falling from the record levels of 2014? Have Debt Management Company marketing strategies changed? When will IVA numbers rise again?
Can IVA payments be suspended during maternity leave? What happens when you return to work? Options if you do not to return to work.
Why have record IVA numbers been recorded in 2014? Is an IVA the best personal debt solution? Why are less people going bankrupt?
The allowances for childcare in an IVA. What if you have a specific change in childcare costs? What if childcare costs rise more generally?